What can I apply to my hands after washing them properly with soap and water? “I’ve been washing my hands with alcohol for so many days that my skin is irritated and flaky. What can I do?”

Thu, 19/03/2020 - 17:54

What can I apply to my hands after washing them properly with soap and water? “I’ve been washing my hands with alcohol for so many days that my skin is irritated and flaky. What can I do?”

By Maribel Saiz. Lda. Biological sciences.PGD Dietetics and nutrition. Scientific aromatherapy specialist.

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Family, let’s breathe together How can we increase our defenses learning to breathe?

Wed, 18/03/2020 - 17:46

Family, let’s breathe together

How can we increase our defenses learning to breathe?

BY MARIBEL SAIZ. BIOLOGY, PGD. DIETETICS AND NUTRITION. EXPERT IN SCIENTIFIC AROMATHERAPY. Certified instructor of Lu Jong, Tibetan healing yoga in the lineage of Tulku Lobsang.


Breathing well can also help increase our natural defenses in adults, children and elderly people. This way all of us can benefit from breathing properly.

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Esential’Arôms at VIVANESS 2020 

Thu, 06/02/2020 - 12:45

Esential’Arôms Best Natural Spanish Brand & Best Natural Baby/Kid Brand · Awarded by Orgànics Clean Awards 2020 will be at VIVANESS 2020 in Nuremberg (Germany)

Visit us at HALL 3C BOOTH 551 and discover all our new products. We’ll be delighted to meet you!

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Exfoliante manteca de karité & coco al suave aroma de mandarina.

Thu, 27/09/2018 - 15:51


Propiedades: Exfoliantes, Suavizante y revitalizante de la piel.

Necesitas: Manteca de karité, aceite vegetal de nuez de coco, aceite esencial de mandarina y sal marina sin refinar.

Prepara un tarro de conserva de mermelada de 100 ml. Preferiblemente bajito y con boca ancha.

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Papás, ¿cómo prevenir la atopia en niños?

Thu, 13/09/2018 - 15:00

Los probióticos y los ácidos grasos -3 previenen la dermatitis atópica de los bebés.

La dermatitis atópica (DA) es una enfermedad crónica de la piel con una etiología compleja. Se caracteriza por la inflamación de la piel y erupciones pruríticas que ocasionan picor, malestar generalizado y nerviosismo.

Las causas de la DA son multifactoriales: una combinación de condiciones genéticas, ambientales, de desregulación inmunológica y de disfunción de la barrera cutánea.

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